angular-bootstrap-lightbox v0.12.0

This is a lightbox made with AngularUI Bootstrap Modal. It can be used in any Angular app. View the project and instructions on GitHub.


<ul class="gallery gallery2" ng-controller="GalleryCtrl">
  <li ng-repeat="image in images">
    <a ng-click="Lightbox.openModal(images, $index)">
      <img ng-src="{{'\{\{image\}\}'}}" class="img-circle">

demo2-lightbox-modal.html (custom lightbox template)

<div class="modal-body"

  <!-- image -->
  <div class="lightbox-image-container">
    <img lightbox-src="{{'\{\{Lightbox.imageUrl\}\}'}}">

  <!-- caption -->
  <div class="alert alert-info" style="margin: 1em 0 0;">
    The color in the image is <strong>{{'\{\{Lightbox.imageCaption\}\}'}}</strong>.<br>
    This is a custom template where we've removed the top nav and added a Bootstrap alert box. It makes the modal taller and so we have changed its height calculation.<br>
    Also, the maximum display height of the image has been increased to 1600 (instead of being dependent on the window height), thus vertical scrolling is now possible.



angular.module('demo2', ['bootstrapLightbox']);

angular.module('demo2').config(function (LightboxProvider) {
  // set a custom template
  LightboxProvider.templateUrl = 'demo2-lightbox-modal.html';

  // set the caption of each image as its text color
  LightboxProvider.getImageCaption = function (imageUrl) {
    return '#' + imageUrl.match(/00\/(\w+)/)[1];

  // increase the maximum display height of the image
  LightboxProvider.calculateImageDimensionLimits = function (dimensions) {
    return {
      'maxWidth': dimensions.windowWidth >= 768 ? // default
        dimensions.windowWidth - 92 :
        dimensions.windowWidth - 52,
      'maxHeight': 1600                           // custom

  // the modal height calculation has to be changed since our custom template is
  // taller than the default template
  LightboxProvider.calculateModalDimensions = function (dimensions) {
    var width = Math.max(400, dimensions.imageDisplayWidth + 32);

    if (width >= dimensions.windowWidth - 20 || dimensions.windowWidth < 768) {
      width = 'auto';

    return {
      'width': width,                             // default
      'height': 'auto'                            // custom

angular.module('demo2').controller('GalleryCtrl', function ($scope, Lightbox) {
  $scope.Lightbox = Lightbox;

  $scope.images = [